What Are The Differences Between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology?

bachelor of arts in psychologyMany students considering applying to an online psychology program wonder what are the major differences between a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. While the disparities are subtle, those differences can make a distinct alteration when it comes time to choose a graduate program or enter the work force. Knowing which degree program meets your individual needs is imperative when choosing a program.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

A Bachelor of Arts in Psychology is considered a general Liberal Arts Education with a number of elective courses in the concentration of psychology. Students will be required to complete the liberal arts education set forth by their college as well as electives that are outlined by the psychology department. This degree is a good framework for a number of careers. Students earning a BA in Psychology can pursue careers in psychology, social work, medicine, law, business and a number of other fields.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Students who plan to pursue graduate studies in Psychology (or a related field) will typically pursue a Bachelor of Science in Psychology Degree. The curriculum in a BS program will cover the Basic Liberal Arts requirements as well as a number of electives in psychology. The most distinct difference is that most BS programs will require additional math, science and lab courses. These programs place a stronger emphasis on the scientific study and research aspects of psychology.

Major Differences Between a BA and a BS

The most noteworthy difference between the two degrees is the level of math and science courses that must be completed. Students in a BS program will generally need several more math and lab science courses than students in a BA program. Another difference is what direction students will take after graduation. Graduates with a BS are prepared for graduate studies in psychology or a similar field. They may also choose to enter the field of psychology as a psychology technician, case manager or rehabilitation counselor. Students with a BA degree are equipped for graduate studies in areas like business, social work or law. Career options with a BA degree range from human resources to sales to other business opportunities.

How Are the Degrees Similar

The online psychology degree curriculum that is covered in these two programs is often quite similar. Most online psychology programs will address a core curriculum that outlines the theoretical framework of psychology. The curriculum typically evaluates the history, study and practice of both historic and modern psychology. The vast majority of modern psychology programs, in both BA and BS programs, approach the study of psychology as a science. These programs will use the scientific methods as the basis for scientific exploration and study.

While there are several differences between the BA and BS degree, there are also a notable number of similarities. Most colleges or universities will offer either one degree or the other, but not both. This means that students must take into consideration what degree is offered by the school they plan to attend and how that may affect their academic career. It is important to choose an online psychology program that offers a degree with the ability to help you achieve your career goals.