Finding a great scholarship for an education in the area of Psychology could be the difference between obtaining a degree and not having the financial ability to do so. As the field of Psychology and its closely related companion fields continue to grow rapidly throughout the United States, more and more individuals are interested in pursuing this career path. However, it can be difficult for many working professionals, young adults and returning adult students to fund a college degree in this field. Fortunately, with the boom in both jobs and educational opportunities, there has been a similar increase in scholarship opportunities for psychology students at the undergraduate and graduate level. This is a list of 25 top-notch scholarship opportunities available to students hoping to study in the field of Psychology.
25 Great Scholarships for Psychology Students
#1 – The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Financial Aid Scholarship Fund
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Financial Aid Scholarship Fund ranged from $750 to $2,000 and is available for undergraduate and graduate students with good academic standing who have lived through great hardship to accomplish their educational goals. To be eligible for this one-year, one-time-only award, the applicant must:
- Be a full-time undergraduate student, sophomore or beyond, currently enrolled in an accredited campus-based degree-granting institution of higher learning
- Be a full-time graduate student currently enrolled or will be a student in the fall of the award year
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
Application Deadline: April 15th
Contact Information:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc.
5656 South Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (800) 653-6528 or (773) 947-0026
Fax: (773) 947-0277
Email: akaeaf@akaeaf.net
Scholarship Amount: $750 – $2,000
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#2 – American Psychological Foundation Graduate Student Scholarships
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) Graduate Student Scholarships is a pool of 16 annual scholarships for graduate student research including the following:
- $5,000 Charles and Carol Spielberger Scholarship.
- $5,000 Harry and Miriam Levinson Scholarship.
- $5,000 William and Dorothy Bevan Scholarship.
- $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship.
- $2,000 Clarence J. Rosecrans Scholarship.
- $1,000 William C. Howell Scholarship.
- $1,000 Peter and Malina James and Dr. Louis P. James Legacy Scholarship.
- In conjunction with the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology, APF awards nine additional $1,000 scholarships.
Students complete one application and are then eligible for all 16 scholarships. The purpose of the scholarship program is to aid graduate psychology students with research costs associated with completing a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.
Application Deadline: June 30th
Contact Information:
APA Science Directorate
Graduate Research Scholarships
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Scholarship Amount: Varies from $1,000 to $5,000
Total Scholarships Available: 16
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate
#3 – The Bailey Family Scholarship Fund
In order to be eligible to apply for the Bailey Family Scholarship students must meet the following criteria:
- Possess a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5
- Demonstrate financial need
- Applicant must be a graduating high school senior or current college student (High School Scholarship Program)
- Currently attending or plan to attend eligible schools listed in our application (College Scholarship Program)
- Applicants must be legal US residents
- Applicants must be pursuing their undergraduate degree
- Scholarship is for tuition and tuition related fees only
- Application must be submitted between Jan 1st – Mar 15th
Both scholarships are $5,000 annually and the high school program is a renewable scholarship fund.
Application Deadline: March 15th
Contact Information:
The Bailey Family Foundation
912 West Platt Street
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone: (813) 549-6140
E-mail: contact@bailey-family.org
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Total Scholarships Available: 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#4 – The Becky Burrows Memorial Scholarship
The Becky Burrows Memorial Scholarship is also funded by the Pilot International Scholarship fund. This scholarship program was created for graduate or undergraduate students preparing for a second career, re-entering the job market or obtaining additional training in their current field. The student must be preparing for a career related to assisting those with brain-related disorders or brain-related disabilities.
Application Deadline: March 1st
Contact Information:
Pilot International
102 Preston Court
Macon, GA 31210-5768
Tel: (478) 477-1208
Fax: (478) 477-6978
Scholarship Amount: Up to $1,500
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#5 – Benton-Meier Scholarships
Each year, The American Psychological Foundation supports two annual $2,500 scholarships named the Benton-Meier Scholarships. These scholarships are available for graduate students in neuropsychology. In order to be eligible candidates must have:
- Completed doctoral candidacy.
- Demonstrated research competence and area commitment.
- Institutional Review Board approval must be received from the host institution before funding can be awarded if human participants are involved.
Application Deadline: June 1st
Contact Information:
American Psychological Foundation
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5843
Fax: (202) 336-5812
E-mail: Foundation@apa.org
Scholarship Amount: $2,500
Total Scholarships Available: 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#6 – The Catching the Dream Scholarship
The Catching the Dream Scholarship is available to students who are one quarter or more American Indian. Eligible students must currently enrolled as a member of a United States Indian tribe. “US tribe” is defined as federally recognized, state-recognized, or terminated. Students must be attending or planning on attending a college or university within the U. S. on a full-time basis that is fully accredited. Scholarships range from $500 to $5,000 per academic year and are awarded on merit and are students who will most likely improve the lives of Indian people. CTD provides supplementary scholarship funding for those who have received college funding from other sources. Competition is very intense, with only 55% of applicants receiving scholarships.
Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines
Contact Information:
Scholarship Application Catching the Dream
Attn: Scholarship Affairs Office
8200 Mountain Road NE., Suite 203
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505)262-2351 ext. 116
Scholarship Amount: $500 – $5,000, based upon need
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#7 – Central Intelligence Agency Undergraduate Scholar Program
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Undergraduate Scholar Program was originally developed to assist minority and disabled students, but the application is now open to all students who meet the requirements. The program offers work sessions during each summer break, increasing your knowledge and job responsibilities while assisting intelligence professionals and applying your academic skills. Selected students are given an annual salary; a benefits package that includes health insurance, life insurance, and retirement; and up to $18,000 per calendar year for tuition, mandatory fees, books, and supplies. Students are then required to work at an Agency facility during summer breaks and to maintain full-time college status during the school year with a minimum cumulative 3.0GPA. The scholarship fund will pay the cost of transportation between school and the Washington, DC area each summer and provide a housing allowance. The Scholar Program is considered an investment in each recipient, meaning that accepting an offer means making a career choice. Students are asked to continue employment with the agency after college graduation for a period equal to 1.5 times the length of their college sponsorship.
Application Deadline: October 15th
Contact Information:
Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505
Phone:(703) 482-0623
Fax:(571) 204-3800
Scholarship Amount: Up to $18,000
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#8 – Gallagher Health Careers Scholarship Program
The Gallagher Health Careers Scholarship Program is open to college students entering their junior and senior years of undergraduate study. The scholarship program has seen steady growth in both the number of scholarships offered each year and the amount of each scholarship. Recipients are selected by the Scholarship Program Board of Directors, and each recipient must demonstrate and exceed the program standards, which include: a strong motivation to pursue a healthcare career, academic excellence, a dedication to community service, and a need for financial support of their education.
Application Deadline: May 16th
Contact Information:
Gallagher Student Health & Special Risk
Attn: Scholarship
500 Victory Road
Quincy MA 02171
Scholarship Amount: $5,500
Total Scholarships Available: 5
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#9 – The Jack Kent Cook Scholarship Fund
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation reviews each application individually with assistance from a panel of education experts. Among the criteria used in the selection process are:
- Exceptional academic ability and achievement: Strong academic record, academic awards and honors, and substantive assessments by educators providing confidential recommendations. We consider:
- Un-weighted cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, consisting of most As and no Cs or below in core academic subjects (English/language arts, math, science, social studies/history or foreign language)
- College entrance exam scores (SAT and/or ACT) in the top 15% nationally: SAT combined critical reading and math score of 1200 or above or ACT composite score of 26 or above
- Participation in available advanced courses
- Commitment to learning
- Intellectual curiosity
- Unmet financial need: Limited family income and assets in light of educational expenses. Substantial unmet educational costs after taking into account other scholarships and grants students may receive. We will consider applicants with family income up to $95,000. However, we anticipate that a majority of scholarship recipients will be eligible to receive a Pell grant.
- Persistence: Determination and perseverance in the face of challenges, ability to set and remain focused on goals and to put in the effort needed to meet those goals in the face of obstacles.
- Desire to Help Others: Purposeful and meaningful commitment to others which may be evidenced by participation in volunteer/community service activities.
- Leadership: Ability to organize and positively influence others in school and out-of-school areas (family, church, sports, arts, etc.).
Application Deadline: November 7th
Contact Information:
The Jack Kent Cook Scholarship Fund
44325 Woodridge Parkway
Lansdowne, VA 20176
Phone: (703) 723-8000
Fax: (703) 723-8030
E-mail: website@jkcf.org
Scholarship Amount: Up to $30,000 Annually
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#10 – The Jack Kent Cook Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Fund
The Jack Kent Cooke (JKC) Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship creates unique opportunities for the country’s top community college students to complete their Bachelor’s Degrees by transferring to a four-year college or university. The JKC Foundation provides eligible students up to $30,000 per year to approximately 75 deserving students selected each year. This makes the JKC fund the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country.
Application Deadline: November 7th
Contact Information:
The Jack Kent Cook Scholarship Fund
44325 Woodridge Parkway
Lansdowne, VA 20176
Phone: (703) 723-8000
Fax: (703) 723-8030
E-mail: website@jkcf.org
Scholarship Amount: Up to $30,000
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#11 – Jewish Community Centers of North American Graduate Scholarship Programs
The Jewish Community Centers (JCC) of North American Graduate Scholarship Programs purposes are three-fold:
- Through a competitive selection process, identify those with the potential to be “future stars” in the JCC movement and invest money in their education.
- Through JCC internship/placement, contact with JCC Association staff, and professional development opportunities, prepare scholars for what to expect during the professional commitment period.
- Provide JCCs with entry to mid-level professionals, armed with an advanced degree, a developed understanding of the JCC movement, and a commitment to the JCC.
Application Deadline: February 1st
Contact Information:
Scholarship Coordinator
JCC Association
520 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Telephone: (212) 532-5114
Fax: (212) 481 – 4174
E-mail: scholarship@jcca.org
Scholarship Amount: Up to $2,000 annually
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#12 – Lutheran Student Scholastic and Service Scholarships
High School Senior Students: Up to two $500 scholarships will be awarded each year to Lutheran high school seniors pursuing a college degree in any academic area that will prepare them to serve and support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Eligible Candidates Must:
- Be an active, communicant member of a Lutheran congregation.
- Be classified as a senior.
- Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
College and University Students: Up to two $3,000 scholarships will be awarded each year to Lutheran College students pursuing undergraduate degrees in any academic area that will prepare them to serve and support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Eligible Criteria
- Be an active, communicant member of a Lutheran congregation.
- Be classified as a freshman, sophomore or junior at an accredited college or university.
- Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- Have a career objective in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Application Deadline: May 1st
Contact Information:
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
Chris Dovnik, Program Coordinator
600 Hoffmann Drive
Watertown, Wisconsin 53094
Phone: 800-383-8743, ext. 4428 or 920-206-4428
E-mail: chris.dovnik@mailblc.org
Fax: 920-206-7706
Scholarship Amount: $3,000 annually
Total Scholarships Available: 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate only
#13 – Marie Newton Sepia Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship program for graduate students preparing for a career helping children with brain-related disorders or disabilities. The applicant must have a visa or a green card. Minimum 3.25 GPA required. Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a graduate student
- Must attend a university
- Must not be attending high school currently
Restricted to students studying Child and Family Studies, Nursing, Psychology, Health and Medical Sciences, Special Education, or Therapy/Rehabilitation
Application Deadline: March 1st
Contact Information:
Jennifer Overbay
Foundation Services Director
PO Box 4844
Macon, GA 31208-5600
Phone: (478) 743-7403
Fax: (478) 474-7229
E-mail: pifinfo@pilothq.org
Scholarship Amount: $500 – $1,000 Annually
Total Scholarships Available: 10
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#14 – Melanie Merola O’Donnell Scholarship Fund
The Melanie Foundation Scholarship is to be awarded to a student pursuing a doctoral or master’s degree in the mental health field. The scholarship will be awarded to a candidate for the length of one academic year. Candidates may reapply for additional years. This scholarship fund was created in Melanie Merola O’Donnell’s name to promote her legacy of helping others through the exercise of wisdom and compassion. Through this scholarship and additional fundraising activities, the foundation seeks to raise awareness about the link between mental health issues and community violence. Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Currently enrolled or accepted into an accredited graduate program majoring in the mental health field in the United States.
- Provide evidence of past involvement in extracurricular, volunteer, research and/or career-related activities.
- Demonstrate experience and interest in one or more of the ideals to which Melanie Merola O’Donnell committed herself
Application Deadline: March 4th
Contact Information:
The Melanie Foundation
245 Washington Street #4666
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
E-mail: melaniescholarship@live.com
Scholarship Amount: $2,500
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#15 – Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Fund
The Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Fund is named after Dr. Michael Sullivan, former Assistant Executive Director for State Advocacy in the American Psychological Association (APA). While serving in this position Dr. Sullivan managed the Practice Directorate’s program of making funds available to sixty affiliated psychological associations in every state in the country as well as several Canadian provinces and US territories. This scholarship fund was created in recognition of his ongoing commitment and passion for important issues of multiculturalism and inclusion. Graduate students enrolled full time at an accredited university or college may apply for the scholarship. Applicants must be in good academic standing and must be making good progress in their chosen program of study.
Application Deadline: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Contact Information:
The Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Fund Review Committee
c/o Michael Ranney
395 East Broad Street, Suite 310
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (800) 783-1983
E-mail: mranney@ohpsych.org
Scholarship Amount: $500 – $1,000 annually
Total Scholarships Available: 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#16 – Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master’s Grant for Research in Psychology
Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master’s Grant for Research in Psychology is a $1,000 grant named in honor of American Psychological Association (APA) staff members for their unyielding support in the formation, development and continued growth of APA Graduate Society (APAGS). Nancy B. Forest was one of the first staff liaisons to APAGS and L. Michael Honaker worked to ensure that APAGS had the resources needed to implement its mission. This grant is available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least half time as a student in good standing at a regionally accredited university. Students who join as a graduate student affiliate are members of APAGS; students who are members of APA as undergraduate student affiliates, associate members or another member status, must change their status to graduate student affiliate prior to applying for this grant/award.
Application Deadline: May 7th
Contact Information:
Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master’s Grant for Research in Psychology
750 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Phone: (800) 374-2721
E-mail: apags@apa.org
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Total Scholarships Available: 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#17 – The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Graduate Scholarship Program
The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc. (NAJA) was established in 1941 to unite members “to render charitable services which are beneficial to the general public, with particular emphasis on children, and to cooperate with other organizations performing similar services.” Students interested in the NAJA Graduate Scholarship Program must be:
- Working or planning to work directly with children
- Pursuing graduate-level studies for one year in fields, which address the special needs of children and youth. Graduate fields of study include, but are not limited to, counseling, psychology, mental health, special education, speech pathology, exceptional children, remedial skills development, hearing impaired, gifted and talented, etc.
- U.S. citizens and permanent residents of a state with a Junior Auxiliary Chapter
- Planning to attend a U.S. college or university for full-time or part-time study
Application Deadline: February 1st
Contact Information:
PO Box 1873
Greenville, MS 38702-1873
Fax: (662) 332-3076.
Scholarship Amount: Varies, based upon financial need
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#18 – National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship fund supports elected applicants up to $20,000 per academic year in tuition, educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses to scholarship recipients. Scholarships are awarded for a period of one year and can be renewed up to 4 years. For each full or partial scholarship year, students must commit to two NIH service obligations. These two obligations are additional benefits of the Scholarship fund. They provide students with invaluable research training and experience at the NIH.
Application Deadline: March 3rd
Contact Information:
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
National Institutes of Health
2 Center Drive, Room 2E24,
MSC 0230
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0230
Phone: (888) 352-3001
Fax: (301) 480-3123
E-mail: ugsp@nih.gov.
Scholarship Amount: Up to $20,000 per academic year tuition fee, additional educational expenses, and reasonable living expenses
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#19 – National Pathfinder Scholarship
The National Federation of Republican Women established the National Pathfinder Scholarship Fund in 1985 in honor of First Lady Nancy Reagan. The fund supports three annual scholarships of $2,500 each, which are available to students seeking financial assistance and support. This scholarship is open to young students seeking either undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. College sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and students enrolled in a Masters Program are eligible. Recent high school graduates and first-year college students are not eligible to apply for the scholarship. Scholarship winners may not reapply for this scholarship a second time.
Application Deadline: June 1st
Contact Information:
Pam Little
TFRW Scholarships & Internships Chairman
632 Merlot Court
McKinney, Texas 75069
Phone: (361) 218-9426
E-mail: pam@acefences.com
Scholarship Amount: $2,500
Total Scholarships Available: Three Annually
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#20 – The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) was founded to ensure the strength of those individuals with a strong interest in the field of science and engineering in the United States. The program financially supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. The NSF welcomes applications from all qualified students and strongly encourages under-represented populations, including women, under-represented racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, to apply for this fellowship.
GRFP Fellows Receive the Following:
- Three years of support
- $32,000 annual stipend
- $12,000 cost-of-education allowance to the institution
- International research and professional development opportunities
- XSEDE Supercomputer access
Application Deadline: Contact Scholarship Administrator for Deadline Information
Contact Information:
The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Phone: (866) 673-4737
Fax: (202) 463-1401
Scholarship Amount: $32,000 stipend and an additional $12,000 school allowance
Total Scholarships Available: 1,000
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate
#21 – Pilot International Scholarship
The Pilot International Founders Scholarship Fund supports five separate Scholarship Programs to aid both graduate and undergraduate students prepare for a career in one of the chosen areas of service focus including – Youth Leadership & Development, Brain Safety & Fitness and Caring for Others in Times of Need. The Pilot International Scholarship for undergraduate students helps students who are preparing for a career helping those with brain-related disorders or brain-related disabilities.
Application Deadline: March 1st
Contact Information:
Pilot International
102 Preston Court
Macon, GA 31210-5768
Tel: (478) 477-1208
Fax: (478) 477-6978
Scholarship Amount: Up to $1,500
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate Only
#22 – Psi Chi Scholarship Fund
The International Honor Society of Psychology Students, also known as Psi Chi, funds a number of scholarships available to both undergraduate and graduate students seeking degrees in the field of Psychology. Psi Chi awards and grants:
- Total over $350,000 in funds available annually.
- Offer a smaller pool of competitors than many other programs, because the majority are open only to members.
- Are available to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty members.
- Take the form of stipends, grants, and awards.
- Have application deadlines throughout the year.
- Fund regional research; travel to conventions, and in some cases, unrestricted travel to psychology-related events.
- Are peer-reviewed by volunteer doctoral faculty.
Application Deadline: Rolling Deadlines, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Contact Information:
Psi Chi
825 Vine Street
PO Box 709
Chattanooga, TN 37403
United States
Phone: (423) 756-2044
Fax: (877) 774-2443
E-mail Form: http://www.psichi.org/general/?type=contact
Scholarship Amount: Up to $7,000
Total Scholarships Available: Varies Annually, Contact Scholarship Administrator for Details
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#23 – Scott and Paul Pearsall Scholarship Fund
The Scott and Paul Pearsall Scholarship Fund provides $10,000 to one recipient each year in order to support work that seeks to increase the public’s understanding of the psychological pain and stigma experienced by adults who live with physical disabilities. The Program Goals include:
- Encouraging talented students to dedicate their career paths to understanding the psychological effect of stigma on people with disabilities.
- Developing strategies to improve the public’s understanding of the psychological pain and stigma felt by individuals with physical disability, in order to reduce harmful misconceptions.
- Encouraging dissemination of research outcomes to the general public, expressly through media.
Application Deadline: October 1st
Contact Information:
Samantha Edington, Program Officer
E-mail: sedington@apa.org
Scholarship Amount: $10,000
Total Scholarships Available: 1
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Graduate Only
#24 – The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Scholarship
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality awards two grants of $1,000 each year for student members who are actively conducting human sexuality research. The purpose of the research can potentially be for completion of a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, however, this is not a requirement. Applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited, degree-granting program and a member (student) of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). Student research grant awards are funded by the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (FSSS), a nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to supporting scientific research related to sexuality.
Application Deadline: June 1st
Contact Information:
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Scholarship
Scholarship Administrator: Mandy Peters
E-mail: mlpeters@sexscience.org
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
Total Scholarships Available: 2
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Both
#25 – The Truman Scholarship
The Truman is a competitive national scholarship, where the deciding panel reviews over 600 applications each year. With only 55 to 65 Scholarships awarded each year, candidates must show a strong record of leadership, public service, and academic achievement. In order to be considered, applicants must be nominated by a faculty member at their academic institution. The Foundation tries to have at least one Truman Scholar each year from each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Islands (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands). The Foundation will award more than one scholarship per state or territory if the selection panel agrees that two candidates are equally worthy.
Application Deadline: February 4th
Contact Information:
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
712 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 395-4831
E-mail: office@truman.gov
Scholarship Amount: Up to $30,000
Total Scholarships Available: 55-65 Annually
Undergraduate or Graduate Level Scholarship: Undergraduate only
Students who are able to secure all or part of their tuition by scholarship can focus more on their education and less on paying for college or finding student loans. Scholarships do not require repayment so finding scholarship dollars helps students complete their undergraduate or graduate studies with less student loan debt. What is often surprising to students is the number of scholarships that go unclaimed each year in the United States. With a minimal amount of work, students can apply to a number of scholarships to help pay for their education in the field of Psychology.