Kansas State University


Kansas State University Psychology Programs

The undergraduate in Psychology offers a broad-based foundation in psychology, allowing students flexibility and choice in their experience at Kansas State University. Students develop an understanding of the complex aspects of behaviors and thoughts. Students may concentrate their studies in the following areas:

  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • Social Psychology

Psychology is a dynamic discipline and the program offered at Kansas City University that is based on a firm foundation. Students gain a core understanding of psychology that allows them to build a strong foundation in their chosen concentration. Core courses include:

  • Advanced Social Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Experimental Methods in Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Perception and Sensation
  • General Psychology
  • Introduction to Statistics
  • Junior Seminar in Psychology
  • Principles of Learning
  • Psychobiology
  • Psychology of Personality

KSU offers an undergraduate certificate in Conflict Resolution that is available completely online. It is designed for those who wish to gain introductory training in conflict resolution. Students must be upper-division undergraduates. Courses required include:

  • Conflict and Trauma in International Settings
  • Conflict in Organizations
  • Conflict Resolution Across Cultures & Contexts
  • Core Conflict Resolution
  • Divorce and Child Custody Mediation
  • Prevention & Intervention of Violence

Kansas State University, through the Family Studies and Human Services Department, offers a graduate certificate in Conflict Resolution that provides students with an understanding of managing conflict between individuals, in organizations and throughout communities. The program is available completely online and courses required include:

  • Conflict Resolution: Core Skills and Strategies
  • Culture and Conflict
  • Family Mediation
  • International Conflict & Trauma
  • Organizational Conflict
  • Violence Prevention and Intervention

The Master of Science in Family Studies and Humans Services offers a concentration in Couple and Family Therapy. The program prepares students for careers dedicated to helping couples and families in crisis. Students develop an understanding of human development, family studies, couple and family therapy as well as research methods. Courses required may include:

  • Adult Development and Aging
  • Advanced Family Therapy
  • Clinical Intervention with Parents and Children
  • Clinical Theory and Practice
  • Couples and Sex Therapy
  • Family Systems in Cultural Context
  • Family Theories
  • Family Therapy
  • Human Sexuality
  • Individual and Family Assessment
  • Parent-Child Interaction
  • Professional Studies in Family Therapy
  • Program Evaluation in Human Services*
  • Qualitative Methodology*
  • Qualitative Research Methods in Family Science*
  • Psychological Research Design and Analysis I*
  • Research Methods in Family Studies and Human Services
  • Statistical Methods in Education*
  • Statistical Methods in Family Studies and Human Services I*
  • Systematic Assessment and Treatment of Psychopathology
  • Systematic Treatment of Trauma Violence and Substance Abuse
  • Theories of Human Development
  • Transition to Adulthood

*Students choose only one of these courses as part of the Research Methodology

Supervised clinical practice is also required and students must successfully complete a comprehensive written examination. Either a thesis or clinical research project is required along with an oral examination as well. The program is only available on campus.

KSU offers a doctorate program in Couple and Family Therapy through the College of Human Ecology. The program educates and mentors family scientist-practitioners who want to make significant contributions in academic and/or clinical settings. The program can be completed in four years and courses that may be required include:

  • Clinical Specialization in Couple and Family Therapy
  • Couple and Family Therapy Research
  • Experimental Design in Educational Research*
  • Psychological Research and Design Analysis II*
  • Qualitative Research Methods in Family Science
  • Quantitative Methods*
  • Regression and Analysis of Variance*
  • Statistical Methods in Family Studies and Human Services II*
  • Supervision of Couple and Family Therapy
  • Theory Construction in Family Science
  • Topics in Couple and Family Therapy

*Students must choose one of these courses as part of the Research Methods requirements. A clinical internship of at least 1,000 hours and defense of a dissertation is also required. Students must complete a Couples and Family Therapy portfolio with at least two publications or successfully complete written preliminary examinations and defend them orally.

The Master of Science in Psychology at Kansas State University is designed for those who wish to move into leadership roles in the field of psychology. The first year of the program focuses on the basics with a research project required. The second year focuses on concentration courses, a master’s thesis and the development of professional interest. Concentrations include:

  • Behavioral Neuroscience/Animal Learning
  • Cognitive Human Factors Psychology
  • Industrial/Organizational
  • Social-Personality

The program is available on campus but there is a hybrid online version of the program for the Industrial/Organizational concentration only. For this program, students must attend on-campus courses once a year over the summer for two-week sessions. The remainder of the courses are taught in an online format.

The doctorate degree in Psychology offered at Kansas State University provides a grounding in psychological theory, content, and methods. The program includes core courses in quantitative and substantive areas of psychology. Courses that may be required for the degree include:

  • Advanced Cognitive Psychology
  • History of Current Trends
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • Learning
  • Multivariate Analyses of Behavioral Data
  • Perception
  • Personality Theory and Research
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Pro-Seminar in Social Psychology
  • Psychological Research & Design Analysis I & II
  • Psychology of Health
  • Seminar in Mathematical Models of Behavior
  • Seminar in Professional Problems

A comprehensive written examination must be successfully completed and students must also defend a dissertation in order to complete the degree program.

About Kansas State University

In 1858, Bluemont Central College opened as a private institution in Manhattan, Kansas, just a few years before Kansas became a state. Once the territory gained statehood, a push began for a state university. The first attempt to turn Bluemont into a state university was controversially vetoed by Governor Charles L. Robinson and overriding the veto failed by just two votes in the state legislature. A second attempt in 1862 failed by just one vote. In 1863, Manhattan agreed to donate Bluemont College if the state would establish the land-grant school at that site and the doors opened in September 1863. It was the first operational land-grant university in the country and the only one in Kansas. It was also the second institution in the country to admit both men and women equally.

Although the Morrill Act which established the school required that it focus on agricultural and mechanical arts as well as military training, there was much debate on whether liberal arts education should be the focus. In 1873, the school pioneered home economics education for women, one of the first two colleges to offer such programs of study. After the school became accredited in 1928, the name was changed in 1931 to Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. In 1959, another name change occurred, creating the Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. That is still the official name of the college although, on diplomas and other written documents, the school is referred to as Kansas State University.

Today, students and alumni of Kansas State University consider themselves family. It is a highly-recognized research institution, ranked in the top 20 in the nation for improving critical thinking skills among students by the Wall Street Journal. In FY 2015, the school received over $188 million in research funding. Undergraduate students have a 95 percent job placement rate while graduates from master’s programs have a 96 percent job placement rate.

Kansas State University Accreditation Details

Kansas State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It has held that accreditation continuously since 1916. A comprehensive study conducted in 2011-12 reaffirmed the accreditation after reviewing every sector of the university, compiling information and obtaining feedback from students, parents, graduates, and faculty. This accreditation indicates that the school is reputable, trusted and offers evaluated measurements of academic offerings, governance, administration, mission, finances, and resources. Programs throughout the school are accredited by the following specific accrediting organizations:

  • ABET
  • Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration
  • Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism & Mass Communication
  • Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
  • American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostics
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Council for Construction Education
  • American Veterinary Medicine Association
  • Association for Assessment & Accreditation for Lab Animal Care
  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
  • Aviation Accreditation Board International
  • Certified Financial Planners Board of Standards
  • Commission on Accreditation for Marriage & Family Therapy Education
  • Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education
  • Commission on English Language Program Accreditation
  • Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
  • Council for Interior Design Accreditation
  • Council on Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
  • Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions
  • Council on Education for Public Health
  • Council on Social Work Education
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Institute of Food Technologists
  • Landscape Architecture Accrediting Board
  • National Architectural Accrediting Board
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • National Association of Schools of Art & Design
  • National Association of Schools of Music
  • National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration
  • National Association of Schools of Theatre
  • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
  • Planning Accreditation Board

Kansas State University Admissions Requirements

In order to apply for the Psychology undergraduate program, applicants must be a sophomore and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA in all attempted courses at Kansas State University or must have at least 60 transfer credit hours from an accredited college or university with a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

Applicants for the undergraduate certificate in Conflict Resolution must hold a high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree in any field of study. They must apply as a non-degree seeking student and demonstrate United States residency or be active duty military. To apply for the Conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher and be admitted to the Kansas State University Graduate School. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities are required.

Applicants for either the Master of Science in Couple and Family Therapy or the doctorate program in Couple and Family Therapy must have a 3.0 minimum GPA and score a minimum of the 10th percentile on the GRE examination. Although they do not have to have an undergraduate degree in psychology, they must have completed 15 hours in psychology courses as well as at least 3 credits in statistics. A personal statement, current resume, letters of recommendation and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended are required.

In order to apply for graduate programs in Psychology, applicants must have a 3.0 minimum GPA in their junior and senior years while most successful applicants have GPAs over 3.5. Official GRE test scores are required and the score must be a minimum of the 10th percentile although most successful applicants score in the 50th percentile or higher. An undergraduate major in psychology is not required but students must have completed 15 hours in psychology which must include experimental methods along with 3 credit hours in statistics. Research experience, a personal statement, courses taken and the degree to which the applicant will fit in the program are all taken into consideration for admission.

Kansas State University Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition for undergraduate Kansas residents is $312.50 per credit hour and for non-resident $829.30 per credit hour for those attending the Manhattan campus. Graduate tuition on the Manhattan campus is $463.60 per credit hour for residents and $990.60 for non-residents. Undergraduate online tuition is $436.40 and graduate tuition is $567.90 regardless of residency.

Each year, Kansas State University provides more than $248 million in financial aid and more than $38 million in scholarships. Approximately 75 percent of all students receive some type of financial assistance and student payroll is $15 million annually for work-study programs. In order to qualify for financial assistance, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the form must be renewed on an annual basis.

Kansas State University has a mission to foster excellence in teaching, innovative research, and service to communities in order to create citizens who are focused on improving the region, nation, and the world.