What Can I Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology?

What Can I Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in PsychologyOne of the challenges facing graduates of Bachelor’s in Psychology degree programs is what kinds of jobs you can find with this degree. In order to become a licensed professional psychologist, you must obtain a doctoral degree in the vast majority of states. You can become a therapist or counselor in many states with a Master’s Degree, a supervised internship and state licensure. So, what can you do with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology?

Psychology Related Jobs

While the number of jobs in the field for someone with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology is small, there are still some areas of psychology you can pursue with an undergraduate degree.

  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Probation and Parole Officer
  • Career Counselor
  • Laboratory or Research Assistant
  • Teacher

Non-Psychology Jobs

Many graduates from Psychology Degree programs pursue a psychology degree because it is broad enough to apply in many different fields. Because of this the list of jobs that one can pursue with a Bachelor’s Degree is extremely long. Some of the most common positions for someone with a Bachelor’s in Psychology include:

  • Human Resources Manager
  • Case Manager
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Marketing
  • Sales Representatives
  • Advertising Agent
  • Child Care Worker

Jobs to Enhance Your Opportunity for Graduate Training

For many people, a Bachelor’s Degree is a stepping stone towards a career in counseling, psychology or therapy. Many people must take an academic pause in between undergraduate and graduate training. For those individuals it is wise to pursue employment that will help your chances of being accepted into a graduate training program. Some of the jobs that are most helpful in eventually being accepted into graduate training in Psychology include:

  • Psychiatric Technician – This area of employment includes such positions as psychiatric technician, mental health technician or social work assistants. In this area of employment, you work under the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist or social worker, helping patients with daily needs, teaching life skills, leading therapy sessions and performing case management duties.
  • Research Assistant – As a large portion of graduate school curriculum in Psychology is based in research, having experience as a research or lab assistant is an excellent way to build your credentials.
  • Social Service Specialist – This area of employment involves working in the social services sector in a governmental agency or non-profit organization. These specialists work directly with clients to find appropriate psychological services and may even offer counseling services to clients.

Despite the popular misconception that there are no jobs for graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, this is not the case. While you are not qualified to become a psychologist or therapist upon graduation, there are a number of exciting jobs that you are qualified for. You also have the flexibility of securing a job in psychology or a related field, as well as a number of unrelated areas of employment. A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology can be a great way to start a career in Psychology or many other areas.