5 TED Talks for Anyone Who Wants a Better Marriage
- Jenna McCarthy- What You Know About Marriage
- 3 Ways to Build a Happy Marriage and Avoid Divorce
- An Argument Free Marriage
- Monogamish: The New Rules of Marriage
- Falling in Love is the Easy Part
Our busy lives make taking time to strengthen our marriage a challenge, but these TED Talks for anyone who wants a better marriage can help. A happy marriage creates a happier environment and improves the quality of your life. These tips require maturity, patience, and devotion.
Related resource: Top 30 Graduate Degree Programs in Marriage and Family Therapy
1. Jenna McCarthy- What You Know About Marriage
This sarcastic, brutally-truthful TED Talk for anyone who wants a better marriage reveals the problems with traditional matrimony. She finds out why half of marriages fail and the other half succeed and of the latter half, some people are actually happy. Many of these happy marriages have characteristics in common like a strong attraction, a household positivity, shared respect, and individual maturity. Her best advice is to not watch romantic comedies and stir clear of friends getting a divorce (it’s contagious).
2. 3 Ways to Build a Happy Marriage and Avoid Divorce
Marriage and the meaning of “until death do us part” has changed drastically over the last 100 years. Psychiatrist George Blair-West discusses how divorce has become an epidemic of 40 to 50 percent of marriages failing, according to the American Psychological Association. He offers life hacks to prevent divorce by being prepared for marriage. His advice includes waiting to marry past the age of 25, sharing in decision making, and being a dependable partner.
3. An Argument Free Marriage
This heart-warming TED Talk for better marriages speaks of love and devotion. Fawn Weaver explains her realization, after her husband was rushed to the hospital, that our loved ones are the most precious thing in this unpredictable life. So, she has created an argument-free marriage and hopes to break the stigma of hatefulness in relationships. First, think about the consequences of your actions then deaccelerate the situation so it doesn’t lead to an argument.
4. The Power of Vulnerability
Author and professor Brene Brown delivers this powerful talk that explores the ideas of shame, vulnerability, and meaningful connection. She puts forth the idea that having a deep sense of self-worth is a crucial underpinning to being a whole person, capable of making profound connections with other people. This talk tops many lists of the most important TED Talks for humans, in general, and particularly those in committed relationships.
5. Falling in Love is the Easy Part
Writer Mandy Len Catron fell victim to her own experiment as she found out that it is easier to fall in love than it is to stay in love. She also discovered that people are more desperate for the initial feeling of love than they are to create life-long, meaningful relationships, romantic or not. The lesson learned after experiencing fame as someone who fell in love using a scientific formula was to be patient with love. People should know what they want before desperately wanting to be loved.
Marriage shouldn’t feel like work and if it does, you might be doing it wrong. These TED Talks for those who want a better marriage may take some change in mindset, but they are well worth the effort.