Top 50 Psychology Blogs

psychology blogs

By OPD Staff

Technology has vastly shifted the way that we do our jobs, approach our lives and stay up-to-date on what is new and fresh. The psychology field is no exception in this evolution. There is a wide range of online resources available to psychology students and professionals. One of the most helpful, and sometimes entertaining outlets, are the different blogs on various subjects in the field. There are many blogs that cover a range of psychological topics, including how the field evolved to where it is today. There are also specialized blogs that outline detailed information on specific areas of psychology, including things like experimental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, clinical psychology, and many more. Blogs are an excellent way to stay abreast of the latest research and innovation in the field, while also enjoying the humor and writing style of the blogger. This list includes some of the most interesting, most cutting edge and most helpful blogs in the psychology field.

The Top 50 Psychology Blogs

Table of Contents

  1. For Fun
  2. For Professionals
  3. For Students
  4. General Psychology Blogs
  5. Modern Psychology
  6. News Blogs
  7. Research Blogs
  8. Specialty Field Blogs
  9. The History of Psychology

For Fun:

Dr. X’s Free Association – This blog is an eclectic grouping of posts on topics in the areas of professional psychology, religion, politics, and modern-day life.

Psychology Corner – This blog is an excellent place to look for general information about the field of psychology as well as resources such as book reviews, quotes of famous people and a listing of some of the most famous psychologists in the world.

Scientific American Mind – Scientific American hosts a number of blogs in several different areas. The Mind blog is a varied look at many fascinating topics within the larger field of psychology.  Almost anyone interested in modern psychology will enjoy this blog.

The Last Psychiatrist – A fun to read blog written by a practicing psychiatrist. While many posts cover psychological topics, others discuss current topics that relate to more than psychology students and professionals.

The Media Psychology Blog – Dr. Pamela Rutledge is the Director of the Media Psychology Research Center and uses this blog to outline the details of media psychology. She uncovers why the media and media outlets can be so addictive.

We’re Only Human –  Wray Herbert presents an in-depth look into what makes humans think, act, and feel. Herbert is a staff writer and editor for Science News, Psychology Today, US News & World Report, and Newsweek. He is also a contributor to the Huffington Post and Scientific American Mind.

For Professionals:

American Counseling Association – The official blog of the American Counseling Association is a great place for counseling professionals to gather resources, find information and access the latest innovations in the field of counseling.

Child In Mind – Claudia Gold’s blog is written from the perspective of her behavioral pediatrics practice to outline the modern developmental science that can be used to support parents when facilitating children’s healthy emotional development. Some of the topics covered include inadequate access to quality mental health care, influences of the health insurance industry and the power of the pharmaceutical industry.

Everyday Psychologist – While this blog can be enjoyed by psychology students and even the informed layperson, it is an excellent resource for psychology professionals. Each article offers an intensive look into a topic relevant to the field of modern psychology.

Head of the Class – This blog guides those who teach or plan to teach psychology at various levels. It highlights the best ways to stay on top of news and research, how to support your students and how to help students understand the field so they are ready for employment.

School Psychologist Files – This blog is written for both school psychologists as well as parents of children who have special education needs. It covers a wide range of topics that face school psychologists during their work with students, parents, teachers, and others in the academic setting.

Shrink Rap – A blog written by psychiatrists, for psychiatrists. The authors are all professionals in the field and muse about topics ranging from mental disorders to medication to therapy. Each post is intelligently written with a sense of humor to amuse and enlighten the reader.

For Students:

Verywell: Autism – In this blog, supported by About Health, students learn about the many different spectrum disorders and how they impact individuals and families. It is also a helpful resource for staying abreast of the current research in autism and spectrum disorders.

Babel’s Dawn – Anyone interested in the foundations of speech will thoroughly enjoy this blog. It is an excellent resource for psychology students who may be learning about the developmental and maintenance of speech.

Bad Science – Although this is not a psychology blog, it’s an important resource for all psychology students. The blog will help psychology majors tease apart good and bad research.

Critical Psychiatry – Long time psychiatrist Duncan Double presents readers with a thorough investigation of the field of psychiatry. He holds the field under a microscope and offers his critical opinion on many controversial areas in the profession.

Exploring Psychology – This blog is an accessible arrangement of topics in psychology, ranging from historical perspectives in the field to modern research and study. Psychology students and professionals can readily use the information found on this blog.

The Neurocritic – This blog stems from the Neurocritic’s own experiences with the field of psychiatry and writing. Blog posts are written anonymously and delve into the critical analysis of many psychological topics. The blog is an excellent resource for students developing their critical thinking skills.

What Is Psychology – This blog was started as an introductory site for those with an interest in the field of psychology. Since the first blog posts in 2011, it has evolved into a comprehensive website outlining many specialty areas and topics in the psychology field. An excellent read for those new to the field as well as seasoned professionals.

General Psychology Blogs:

The Team W Blog – A blog written by Dr. Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. The goal of this blog is to better understand how to apply psychology and brain science research to understand how people think, work, and behave.

Channel N – This blog showcases brain and behavior videos that are available online for free. This includes lectures, documentaries, art films, educational videos, user-generated public service announcements and much more. The blog’s goal is to compile a reviewed database of relevant videos to save time having to scour the Internet.

Mind Hacks – This blog collects valuable psychological articles, research studies, websites and more for psychology students and professionals.

PsyBlog – In this blog, University College London researcher Jeremy Dean posts various articles relating to the empirical and scientific aspects of modern psychology. The primary goal of this blog is to show psychology professionals, students, and laypersons how important the scientific aspect of psychology is to the field.

Psychology Today Blog: The Essential Reads – A blog written by the many writers at the popular media outlet, Psychology Today. Topics covered include modern psychology trends, research findings, and many more.

Psychotherapy Brown Bag – The title of the blog comes from the long-held tradition of the “brown bag seminar” which is a lunch meeting where professionals or interns discuss current psychology topics. This blog serves this function in an online format.

Modern Psychology:

Generally Thinking – This blog is home to a comprehensive investigation into psychology and how it can be applied to the times in which we live. The blog website also houses sections such as a research database, a data blog, and psychology students study guide.

IQ’s Corner – In keeping with the importance of intelligence testing (and other forms of psychological testing) as part of many psychological and other evaluations, IQ’s Corner helps professional psychologists and students stay abreast of the tests being used.

Neuronarrative – This blog is cleverly written by David DiSalvo, a respected writer who posts intelligent musings on the intersection of cognition and culture. His blog covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to both the field of psychology as well as those with a topical interest in this area.

Predictably Irrational – Well known author Dan Ariely shares his research, thoughts, and findings in this interesting and informative blog. He covers many different topics but focuses largely on the study of behavioral economics and how research can influence decision-making.

The Splintered Mind – In this blog, writer Eric Schwitzgebel writes topical essays regarding the places where psychology and philosophy meet. His articles are excellent reads for both professionals and students as he helps the reader to think about psychological topics in new and interesting ways.

News Blogs:

In The News – A fascinating blog written to outline the many interesting details of when law and psychology meet. The blog covers topics including forensic psychology, criminology, and law.

Cognitive Therapy Today – In this blog, professionals in the field highlight the field of cognitive therapy by publishing news stories that show the success of cognitive therapy. Readers are brought into the interesting world of cognitive therapy.

Brain Blogger – This blog is an excellent collection of the newest and most cutting edge research and news concerning the study of the brain. There are hundreds of fascinating articles on a wide range of topics.

Decision Science News – In this blog, the writers present news and research on a range of areas including s a website about Behavioral Economics, Data Science, Statistics, Marketing, Management, Psychology, Computer Science, Medicine, Policy, and Law.

Research Blogs:

BPS Research Digest – Published by the British Psychological Society, this blog covers a range of modern psychological research in a wide variety of topical areas in the field.

Cool Psychology Blog – The breezy title belies the important content housed on this site. The blog is devoted to presenting psychology students and professionals with cutting edge papers and research currently being conducted in some of the most fascinating (and cool) areas of psychology.

Notes From Two Scientific Psychologists – This unique blog is co-written by two scientific psychologists who are in search of a better kind of psychology. They investigate research and publications in order to develop “a more coherent, naturalized approach to the scientific study of human behavior.”

Research Blogging – An excellent blog for psychology students learning the ins and outs of psychological research. The site includes peer-reviewed journal articles, modern research and much more.

Specialty Field Blogs:

Brain Blogger – The goal of the contributors who make up Brain Blogger is to challenge the traditional biomedical model and its associated web reporting. The writers use the influential biopsychosocial model, created by Dr. Engel, as the guiding principle.

Neuromarketing – The tagline for the Neuromarketing blog is “Where Brain Science and Marketing Meet.” Expert in the field Roger Dooley cleverly pens this informative and fascinating look into the psychology of marketing.

Neurophilosophy – A blog dedicated to the study of neuroscience, molecules and the brain. There are many links to current and cutting edge research.

The Mouse Trap – This blog is written by a self-educated amateur psychologist who makes a living as a software developer. His blog is dedicated to study in the areas of positive psychology, the emotional/ motivational subsystems and neuroscience.

The Situationist – The Situationist is associated with The Project on Law and Mind Sciences at Harvard Law School. The website contains myriad topics relevant to the specialty area of social psychology.

The History of Psychology:

Advances in the History of Psychology – A blog devoted to looking at the historical aspects of psychological sciences and how the field has changed over the years.

All in the Mind – This blog takes the reader on a journey of all things dealing with the mind and how it works. There are posts involving a wide range of topics about the brain and behavior and all of the amazing connections between the two.

Deric’s Mindblog – This blog covers the most modern, cutting edge science on topics such as language, memory, stimulus-response, and artificial intelligence.

Evolutionary Psychology – The Evolutionary Psychology publishes novel scientific research on human psychology and behavior with a strong emphasis on the evolutionary perspective.

Psychiatry and History – An interesting look into the historical context of the field of psychiatry and how far the field has come over time.

About the Author

After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Rutgers University and then a Master of Science in Clinical and Forensic Psychology from Drexel University, Kristen began a career as a therapist at two prisons in Philadelphia. At the same time, she volunteered as a rape crisis counselor, also in Philadelphia. After a few years in the field, she accepted a teaching position at a local college where she currently teaches online psychology courses. Kristen began writing in college and still enjoys her work as a writer, editor, professor, and mother.