Johnson & Wales University


Counseling and Psychology Degrees Offered at Johnson & Wales University

Johnson & Wales University offers a wide range of counseling and psychology degrees for undergraduate and graduate students. The degree options available at JWU are designed to be challenging, rewarding and valuable to professionals entering the field of psychology and counseling while searching for the top positions in their areas of expertise. From general psychology programs to addiction counseling and organizational psychology programs, the degrees offered at JWU are professionally accredited and designed to meet the needs of every student. Many degrees are offered entirely online, including several choices of bachelor’s degree and two choices of master’s degrees. When it comes to studying this important and fascinating subject, students at JWU have no shortage of options.

The bachelor of psychology degree at JWU is ideal for students who plan to enter the profession of psychology as counselors, clinical psychologists, therapists, organizational psychologists, human resources professionals or public affairs managers. The bachelor’s in psychology takes four years to complete at JWU and can be taken online or in person. The degree is accredited by one of the top regional accrediting bodies in the country, the New England Commission of Higher Education. The NECHE ensures that the psychology programs at JWU meet the regional requirements for post-secondary and graduate-level education. As NECHE accreditation is more rigorous and specific than national accreditation, students can expect to receive a high-quality education from the School of Social and Behavioral Science at JWU.

Several options for master’s degrees are available for psychology students at JWU. From counseling to organizational psychology, the master’s degree programs at JWU offer specialized knowledge to students looking to take their careers to the next level. Degree programs are offered online and in person. Enrolling in a psychology master’s program at JWU requires a college transcript with proof of completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree in any subject. The master’s and MBA degrees at JWU are terminal degrees that qualify graduates to fill senior-level positions of responsibility in corporations, clinics, and universities. Students of JWU can choose to take the standard or accelerated master’s program, so graduation can come as quickly as students can manage.

Earning a degree online at JWU is very convenient and available to everyone who enrolls in a psychology and counseling program. Online degrees offer students scheduling flexibility as well as the opportunity to learn from professors from all the various campuses of JWU. Courses that are offered online can be completed without setting foot on campus. Online students have the same access to campus resources as other students, so they can visit the library and other school buildings at any time. Mentoring and guidance services are available for online students who are looking for assistance with their studies. Students can choose to take accelerated online courses or proceed at a more moderate pace. Online courses at JWU are accredited by the same accrediting body as in-person courses.

About Johnson & Wales University

Johnson & Wales University was founded in 1914 as a private, non-profit degree-granting university. It offers degrees in a wide range of subjects to students on four campuses across the United States. From mathematics and natural science to social science and humanities, JWU gives students a comprehensive education in some of the most important and in-demand subjects available. Graduate students have the opportunity to learn from and work with experienced researchers while studying to become experts in their fields. Undergraduate students can study under some of the most knowledgeable professors in any subject they choose to major in. The focus of education at JWU is on real-world experience and readiness. It is primarily designed to prepare students to enter the workforce with the expertise and authority needed for professional success.

Johnson & Wales University Accreditation Details

All degree programs at Johnson & Wales University are accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE). The NECHE is the oldest regional accrediting body in the country, and students can rest assured that their degrees will be backed up by the trust and prestige of a 130-year-old organization. International courses at JWU are also accredited through the NECHE, so students taking classes overseas can expect to have a consistent and high-quality experience taking classes online or in person. Credit awarded by JWU will be honored by universities and employers throughout the world. The accreditation at JWU is renewed every two years, ensuring that JWU continues to meet the high standards of education required by the accrediting body.

Johnson & Wales University Application Requirements

Applying to Johnson & Wales University is a simple and straightforward process, and the vast majority of applicants are accepted by the school. Students looking to apply for enrollment can simply fill out an online application form and submit their high school or college transcript or GED certificate to the application office. Students applying for graduate studies need to submit a college transcript and a GRE certificate for the master’s of psychology and MBA programs. A separate application is required to enroll in the online programs at JWU, and prospective students can access all electronic applications from the JWU website. In addition to bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and online degree applications, JWU offers applications for enrollment in professional continuing education programs and future degree programs scheduled to begin after the current school year.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Because Johnson & Wales University is a non-profit college, tuition costs are comparable to most state public schools and run about $5,000 per semester for undergraduate students and $6,000 per semester for graduate students. Scholarships and financial aid are available for all students, and grants can be obtained by students with financial need through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program on the Federal Student Aid website. Students who are unable to demonstrate financial need may be eligible to apply for loans, scholarships, and grants through the JWU financial aid office. Depending on the student’s financial situation, repayment of loans may be subsidized by the federal student loan agency until three months after the student graduates, leaves school or drops below full-time status at Johnson & Wales University.