What Should I Look For In An Online Psychology Undergraduate Program?

Students who are interested in earning an Online Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology should know what specifics they should look for in a program. Many schools offer “Online Psychology Degrees” but it is important to find a degree program that is right for you. Below are several considerations you should make when choosing an online undergraduate psychology program.

What Degree of the Program is Offered Online?

More and more students are taking advantage of the luxury of online learning. Being able to complete some percentage of coursework outside of the classroom makes a college education more accessible for people throughout the country. One of the considerations that must be made when choosing an online program is what percentage of the degree program can I earn online. The phrase “Online Degree” can mean many things. It could mean that the program is offered fully online with no on-campus time required. However, it could also mean that some of the courses are offered online, while others must be completed on campus, which is a hybrid-learning environment. Some schools allow students to complete all of their coursework online but may require on-campus time for labs, meeting with a mentor or advisor, internships or many other relevant collegiate experiences.

Is the Program Accredited?

One very important question you should ask is whether or not the school you are considering is fully accredited. Before enrolling it is important to find out who accredits the school. Many fully accredited schools are now offering online degrees, so there is no reason to choose a school who lacks appropriate accreditation.

What Degree is Being Offered?

Some schools offer both a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree program, while others may offer only one. You must consider which degree is going to help you achieve your academic and career goals most appropriately. Traditionally a BA degree is a good option for students who will pursue a career or graduate studies in a field related to psychology such as social services, human resources, business, law, etc. as there is less focus on the scientific side of psychology. A BS degree program usually requires more science and math courses, which will better prepare students for graduate studies in Psychology.

What Specializations Are Offered by the Degree Program?

Another consideration is whether you hope to earn a General Psychology Degree or if you would prefer to earn a more specialized degree. With many specialty fields of psychology, students who know which area they plan to pursue can earn their undergraduate degree in that area. In addition to the specialty fields in psychology, a degree can be more specialized in the experimental side of psychology, clinical psychology or health oriented elements of psychology.

After carefully considering all of these options, each student can find a program that works for them. As more and more colleges and universities offer online undergraduate psychology degrees, students have the flexibility of finding the ideal program to suit their unique needs.